Welcome Sustainable Tucson's toolkit for

Energy Transformation


First Action to rein in climate change:
Electrify Everything

All hands on deck. There is no need to wait on anyone. Southern Arizonans have everything we need to lead the energy transformation at home, work and on the road in Tucson. Buy no more fossil-based appliances, vehicles, anything. Take advantage of financial incentives to electrify ASAP for a renewed energy grid. More here.

Renewing Our Energy Supply

The second step is more hybrid: local leadership is essential, as are regional, national and international coordinated actions to decarbonize human activity. Arizona's ace card is solar energy. Shading rooftops, parking lots and desert floors doubles the benefit. More here.


Adjusting our rhythms

The ride will be rough, fast and bumpy. Enjoying the scenery while holding on for dear life, we can swing into a tempo of a good shared life with all our species-relatives on this beautiful blue marble we all call home. More here.


Inspiration for the "Electrify Everything" approach

Sustainable Tucson recognizes and thanks the team who created the Rewiring America Handbook, which informed this local program: Saul Griffith, Sam Calisch and Laura Fraser. Portland, Maine has an Electrify Everything program that also inspired this local movement.







Energy Transformation Home
Electrify Everything
Renewing Our Energy Supply
Adjusting our rhythms